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提高LabVIEW开发速度的方法有哪些25个技巧详细说明.pdf 2M


开发速度 技  
LabVIEW 25  
Welcome to the LabVIEW Development Days 2010 presentation, Tips and  
Tricks to Speed LabVIEW Development. This presentation was created by  
Darren Nattinger, Senior Software Engineer, LabVIEW R&D and Kelly Rink,  
Applications Engineer, Applications Engineering Department.  
Tips and Tricks to Speed LabVIEW Development  
This presentation will cover 25 “nuggets” of information designed to reduce  
programming effort in LabVIEW and improve development time. The tips and tricks  
range from simple reminders of useful LabVIEW features, to advanced functions  
and tools. Hopefully, everyone will come out of the presentation with some new  
useful tricks to apply in their everyday programming.  
Tips and Tricks to Speed LabVIEW Development  
The Auto Tool can be found on top of the Tools Palette located under View >>  
Tools Palette. Though most LabVIEW users are aware of this feature (it is turned  
on by default), many users still use the Tab key to manually switch tools. Let this  
slide pose a challenge: try the Auto Tool for 30 days; the vast majority of LabVIEW  
programmers will find that the Auto Tool greatly speeds their development after a  
little practice.  
Tips and Tricks to Speed LabVIEW Development  
The Quick Drop dialog box can be used to specify a palette object or project item by  
name and then place the object on the block diagram or front panel. It is launched  
by pressing Ctrl-Space. Quick Drop eliminates the need to navigate through the  
palettes to find objects.  
In LabVIEW 2009, three keyboard shortcuts were added to Quick Drop. You can  
select one or more objects on the block diagram and Press Ctrl-Space-Ctrl-D to  
create controls and indicators for all unwired terminals. You can use Ctrl-Space-  
Ctrl-R to remove one or more diagram objects and wire up pass-through terminals  
of matching data types. Lastly, you can use Ctrl-Space-Ctrl-T to move control and  
indicator terminal labels to the left and right sides of the terminals.  
Tips and Tricks to Speed LabVIEW Development  
Using design pattern templates will greatly decrease development and maintenance  
time of a project. Templates consist of well known designs such as  
Producer/Consumer, State Machine, and Queued Message Handler patterns. The  
templates can be accessed through the File Æ New… menu.  
Tips and Tricks to Speed LabVIEW Development  
When connecting wires to a function like subtract or divide, it can be easy to  
accidentally connect each wire to the wrong input. Use the “switcheroo” tool to  
automatically swap the wire connections; just hold down Ctrl and left click on one  
of the input terminals. Note: the “switcheroo” tool only works for functions with two  
inputs when both inputs have already been wired. In addition, this tool only works  
when using the Auto Tool or Wiring Tool.  
Tips and Tricks to Speed LabVIEW Development  
Sometimes it can be difficult or time-consuming to scroll through a multi-frame  
structure such as a case structure, event structure, or stacked sequence structure.  
By holding down the Ctrl key and scrolling the mouse wheel, you can quickly flip  
through frames of these structures without having to click repetitively.  
Tips and Tricks to Speed LabVIEW Development  
When performing a specific task (such as File I/O), it is common to place several  
objects from the same palette on the block diagram. To quickly navigate to the same  
palette (or a related palette) as an object that you have already placed, right click on  
the object and select one of the available palette shortcuts. Note: you can also  
place frequently used objects on the Favorites palette; simply right click on a given  
object in its usual palette location and select Add Item to Favorites.  
Tips and Tricks to Speed LabVIEW Development  
Many LabVIEW users click on the array index control to (slowly) view array  
elements. To scroll through array elements much faster, right click on the array and  
choose Visible Items >> Horizontal <or Vertical> Scrollbar. In addition, you can  
easily view the last element of an array by selecting Advanced >> Show Last  
Element after right clicking on an array. There are both vertical and horizontal  
scrollbars, depending on how you are viewing your array.  
Tips and Tricks to Speed LabVIEW Development  


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