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更新时间:2020-11-24 23:06:30 大小:1M 上传用户:zhengdai查看TA发布的资源 标签:stm32f4智能分拣机器人 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报



In order to realize the intelligent sorting and precise positioning of parcels, an intelligent sorting robot based on STM32F4+STM32F7 is designed. The OpenMV3 camera is used for object information search, and the STM32F7 SCM is adopted for image data processing and information transmission, STM32F4 is used as the main control chip of the robot, which is used for car motor control, automatic obstacle avoidance, automatic route planning, serial data reception, steering gear control, and serial communication between two CPUs. Four steering gear manipulators are applied to grasp and carry objects. After many tests, the system can accurately identify the target object and then move it to the designated location. It has high speed and precision and can carry out a large amount of intelligent parcel sorting work.


文件名 大小
基于STM32F4的智能分拣机器人设计与实现.pdf 1M

