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更新时间:2020-08-18 01:04:38 大小:548K 上传用户:zhiyao6查看TA发布的资源 标签:温度检测 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


为了精确测试平板微热管的传热特性,利用Pt100及磁控溅射法制备的Pt薄膜电阻温度传感器,开发了8通道温度采集与显示系统.该系统以MSP430 F149单片机为电路控制核心,利用集成的AD和UART模块完成信号转换与通信等功能.上位机采用VC++开发应用程序对多路温度信号进行数据拟合,可实时显示温度数值并绘制出8路温度曲线.通过加入正反馈电路改善了输出线性度,利用桥式电路的可调电阻扩大了Pt薄膜电阻的测温范围.系统的测温范围是0~120℃,可利用86~128Ω(24℃)范围的Pt薄膜电阻进行温度检测.该系统具有测温精度高、适用范围广、稳定性好及实时性强等优点.

This paper used Ptl00 and Pt thin film resistance temperature sensor prepared by magnetron sputtering to design an 8-channels temperature detection system to accurately test heat transfer characteristics of micro fiat heat pipes. Based on the MSP430 F149 microcontroller,signal conversion and communications were completed by the AD and UART module integrated on the microcontroller. VC + + was used to develop applications program for displaying temperature values and drawing the 8-channels temperature curves on a host computer. Output linearity was improved by adding a positive feedback circuit and the use of the slide rheostat of the bridge circuit increased ...


文件名 大小
多通道高稳定性温度检测系统.pdf 548K

