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更新时间:2020-06-14 07:14:27 大小:2M 上传用户:IC老兵查看TA发布的资源 标签:电阻检测仪 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


汽车轮胎绝缘电阻过大,在行驶过程中容易积累静电而产生事故。通过对GB/T 26277—2010《轮胎电阻测量方法》的研究,设计了一种基于STC15F2K60S2单片机的汽车轮胎绝缘电阻检测仪,该检测仪采用电源专用控制集成块MC34063、SG3524等产生检测所需的1V、10V、100V、1 000V 4个直流电压,依次施加到标准电阻与汽车轮胎上,并逐级比较判断汽车轮胎的绝缘电阻是否合格。该检测仪可用于对出厂轮胎进行绝缘电阻检测,以确保汽车能够使用到安全的轮胎。

The insulation resistance of automobile tires is too large,is easy to accumulate static electricity during driving and cause accidents. Based on the measurement method of tire resistance in GB/T 26277—2010,it designs a kind of automobile tire insulation resistance detector based on STC15 F2 K60 S2 single chip microcomputer. The instrument adopts a power supply specific control to integrate the 1 V,10 V,100 V,and 1 000 V DC voltages required for the detection of the MC34063 and SG3524,etc.,is applied to the standard resistor and the car tire in turn,can be used to test the insulation resistance of the factory tire. The testing result determines the car tire's insulation resistance step by step,The tester.


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汽车轮胎绝缘电阻检测仪的研究与设计.pdf 2M



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