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更新时间:2020-11-17 19:09:07 大小:514K 上传用户:gsy幸运查看TA发布的资源 标签:at89s52单片机 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


采用AT89S52单片机作为核心器件设计智能重量筛选装置。采用Keil MDK系统软件设计平台,应用C语言开发。系统硬件由回转工作台、传送带、压力传感器、红外对管传感器、旋转筛选杆、12864液晶、矩阵按键、传动板块与自动控制器传动带等装置构成。从传送带通过回转工作台将物品运输到筛选口,自动控制器收到重量传感装置发出的信号后反馈到筛选杆,筛选杆根据重量初始值判断并筛选出合格与不合格产品。实验结果表明:该全自动在线称重的筛选装置,可以实现自动称重的效果,而且可以设置合格产品的重量目标值和可接受的误差值,使本装置可应用于多种产品的重量检测,具有较强的灵活性与适用性。

Using AT89S52 microcontroller as the core device design of intelligent weight screening device. The system software adopts the Keil MDK software design platform and is developed by C language. The hardware of the system is composed of rotary table,conveyor belt,pressure sensor,infrared tube sensor,rotary filter rod,12864 LCD,matrix key,drive plate and automatic controller drive belt. The goods are transported to the screening automatic controller receives the signal from the weight sensor and feeds back to the screening rod. The screening rod judges and screens the qualified and unqualified products according to the initial weight value. The experimental results show that the automatic on-line weighing screening device can effectively achieve the effect of automatic weighing,and can set the weight target value and acceptable error value of qualified products,so that the design can be applied to the production weight detection of various products,with strong flexibility and applicability.


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基于AT89S52单片机智能重量筛选装置设计.pdf 514K



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