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更新时间:2020-05-13 10:16:00 大小:162K 上传用户:zhiyao6查看TA发布的资源 标签:核辐射探测器电路 下载积分:3分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


CZT作为一种新型室温核辐射探测器材料,适用范围广泛,设计一种有效的CZT读出电路意义重大。采用CMOS技术设计了一种高分辨率、低功耗的CZT像素核辐射探测器读出电路。该读出电路包括电荷敏感型前置运放、整形滤波网络、放大级。运放采用PMOS输入折叠共源共栅结构,滤波网络采用简单的RC—CR结构。在GPDK 0.18μm CMOS工艺下进行的仿真,表明该读出电路的灵敏度为0.3mV/keV,探测能量范围为20~200 keV,单信道功耗为1 mW。

As a new material for nuclear radiation detector in room temperature,CZT has wide application range.So,it's important to design an effective readout circuit for CZT pixel nuclear radiation detector.CMOS technology is adopted to design a high resolution,low power consumption readout circuit for CZT pixel nuclear radiation detector.This readout circuit consists of charge sensing pre-amplifier,shaping filter network,amplified stage.The operational amplifier adopts PMOS input folded cascade structure and the filtering network uses simple RC—CR structure.The result simulated in the GPDK 0.18 μm CMOS technology show that the sensitivity of this circuit is 0.3 mV/keV,detected energy range is 20 ~200 keV,the power consumpt...


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1589336121CZT像素核辐射探测器读出电路的设计.pdf 162K

