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更新时间:2020-11-21 23:35:57 大小:1M 上传用户:zhengdai查看TA发布的资源 标签:zynq 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


基于ZYNQ7010设计了一个显微图像无线传输与显示的终端系统。ZYNQ的处理器系统PS通过WiFi模块接收显微图像,保存至DDR3中,可编程逻辑PL整合VDMA、Video Out、VTC和RGB2HDMI 等IP,构建显微图像显示通道。VDMA读取DDR3的图像数据,实现AXI4到AXI4Stream 的数据转换。Video Out IP和VTC IP协同工作,生成符合图像格式的时序信号。RGB2HDMI对RGB数据进行编码、直流平衡和串并转换,通过HDMI接口输出。实验表明,该系统能够支持不同分辨率的显微图像,显示稳定。

In the paper,a microscopic image transmission and display system is designed based on ZYNQ7010.The processor system of ZYNQ receives the microscopic image through the WiFi module and stores it into DDR3.The programmable logic integrates IPs such as VDMA,Video-Out,VTC and RGB2HDMI to construct a microscopic image display channel.The VDMA reads the image data from DDR3,convert them from AXI4 to AXI4-Stream,and sends the converted image data to Video Out IP,which generates timing signals according to the image format,together with video timing controller.RGB2HDMI encodes the RGB data,implements DC-balance and deserialization and outputs it to a high-definition display via the HDMI interface.The experiment results show that the proposed system can support microscopic images with different resolutions and display with good stability。


文件名 大小
ZYNQ系统的无线显微图像传输与显示设计.pdf 1M



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