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更新时间:2020-10-26 16:34:01 大小:746K 上传用户:zhengdai查看TA发布的资源 标签:集成电路 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


随着复杂集成电路的飞速发展,SoC产品成为了整机系统的重要解决方案。由于此类产品的复杂结构、多时钟域特性,对测试方法和测试技术也提出了更高的要求。尽管测试仪器设备及测试手段在近年来也在快速发展,但是仍然不能完全满足此类产品发展的需求。如何快速、有效地完成此类产品的测试一直是测试从业人员特别关注的问题。针对此类多时钟域产品,共时测试方案是一种高效的解决方案,但是其实现过程较为复杂,其向量转换、测试程序开发等方面都需要借助特别的手段来实现。主要针对多时钟域产品共时测试开发的解决方案、向量转换等问题进行了研究,并给出了基于V93k ATE进行单时钟和多时钟测试等多种解决途径。

With the rapid development of complex integrared circuits, SoC products have become an important solution for the whole system. Due to the complex structure and multi-clock domain characteristics of such products, higher requirements are placed on test methods and test techniques. Although testing equipment and testing methods have been developing rapidly in recent years, they still can not fully meet the needs of the development of such products. How to quickly and effectively complete the testing of such products has been a particular concern for testing practitioners. For such multi-clock domain products, concurrent test solution is an efficient solution, but its implementation process is more complicated, and its vector conversion, test program development and other aspects need to be implemented by special means. The solution of concurrent test development and vector conversion of multi-clock domain products are mainly studied, and a variety of solutions of carrying out single clock and multi-clock test based on V93 k ATE are given.


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基于V93k的多时钟域集成电路测试技术研究.pdf 746K



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