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更新时间:2020-07-29 11:47:25 大小:749K 上传用户:zhiyao6查看TA发布的资源 标签:tps雷达电路板 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


雷达含有多块不同种类的电路板,包括电源、发射、接收、信号、终端、监控等.由于雷达任务的紧迫性,这些电路板在发生故障时,对雷达系统影响非常大.随着电子设备的日益复杂化,越来越需要形成一个自动的对雷达电路板进行测试的系统,即自动测试系统(Automatic Test System).本文分析了雷达板级测试软件的功能要求,提出了基于测试程序集(TPS)的自动测试系统软件架构及实现方法.该软件已成功应用于多个雷达板级自动测试台.

In general, Radar system have a lot of circuit board with different function such as power,transmitting, receiving, signal, terminal and monitoring. Due to the urgency of the Radar task, the failure of circuit board has great effects on the radar system. With the electronic equipment become more complex, it is necessary to form an automatic radar test system for circuit board. In this paper, function requirements for radar board-level test software are analyzed, and the software architecture and implementation method of automatic test system software based on test program set (TPS) is developed. The software has been successfully applied to many radar board level automatic test bench.


文件名 大小
基于TPS雷达电路板测试软件系统架构与实现.pdf 749K

