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Mini-F0140 开发板用户指南(英文版)

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Mini-F0140 开发板用户指南(英文版) Introduction MM32 MiniBoard series development board, with ARM Keil/IAR integrated development environment, It constitutes the complete development ecosystem of the MM32 Cortex-M0 MCU. The development board is a small capacity development board based on the Cortex-M0, support MM32F0144 MCU. Features The Mini-F0144 development board has the following features:  Supports MindMotion MM32 Cortex-M series MCU development evaluation  Supports integrated development environments above Keil uVision v5.0/IAR EWARM v7.80  The development board MCU power supply is based on a 3.3V voltage design  Supports up to 4KV EFT anti-interference ability  Supports SWD debugging interface  Target MCU USB interface power supply  4-Key  4-LED  1-UART Connector  1-USB Connector  1-CAN Connector  1-8 Mbit SPI Flash memory  1-2048 bit I2C EEPROM memory  1-Speaker  1-3 Analog input potentiometer  1-MCU Pin function selector switch  SMT manufacturing process Hardware The Mini-F0144 development board is based on the General part of the buttons, LED, CAN and some serial port connection functions and relationships as shown in the following table: Table 1 Key function and MCU connection relationship table


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Mini-F0140_开发板用户指南(英文版).pdf 627K



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