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更新时间:2020-08-06 16:18:37 大小:277K 上传用户:IC老兵查看TA发布的资源 标签:led驱动电路 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


设计了一款对温度自适应的LED恒流驱动电路。在该电路中,将滞回关断电路与自适应电路集成到一个模块里,很大程度上简化了电路。滞回关断电路会在系统处于高温时输出关断信号,使电路停止工作;而自适应电路在系统处于调控温度时,会产生一个负温度系数的电压来调控输出电流的大小,达到自适应的目的。基于0.5μm CMOS工艺,Spectre仿真结果表明:当系统温度在0-70℃变化时,恒流输出变化小于0.57%;从70℃到105℃,调控输出电流可调幅度为100 m A;108℃时,电路关断输出,直到温度降回65℃后,重新开启。

A LED drive circuit with self-adaptive to temperature was designed. In this drive circuit, hysteresis thermal-shutdown circuit and self-adaptive circuit were integrated into one modular, that largely simplied the circuit. Hysteresis thermal-shutdown circuit would export an off signal to stop circuit operation when the system was at a high temperature, and self-adaptive circuit would produce a negative temperature coefficient to regulate the value of output current, which achieved the purpose of self-adaptive. Based on 0.5 μm standard CMOS technology, the Spectre simulation results show that the variances of driving current is less than 0.57% when ambient temperature varies at 0-70 ℃....


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一款简单的对温度自适应的LED驱动电路设计.pdf 277K

