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更新时间:2020-10-30 02:22:43 大小:2M 上传用户:zhengdai查看TA发布的资源 标签:开关串联驱动高压脉冲 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


在全固态Marx发生器的基础上进行电路拓扑的改进:充电方式采用高压直流充电;多级电容储能合并为一级高压电容储能,减少电路的寄生参数;通过一级半导体串联开关对高压电容输出的直流电压进行斩波形成高压脉冲;增加一组截尾开关,快速释放负载的残存电荷,在脉冲末尾形成快速的下降沿。详细分析了串联半导体开关驱动电路的特点后,设计了串芯磁环隔离驱动电路和共原边延时驱动电路来满足驱动要求。最后在20 kΩ阻性负载上实现10 kV的高压方波脉冲输出。

The circuit topology was improved based on the all-solid-state Marx generator. High-voltage DC power supply was adopted in charging. Multi-stage capacitors were integrated into one high-voltage capacitor for energy storage to reduce the number of parasitic parameters of the circuit. The DC voltage output from the capacitor was chopped to form a high-voltage pulse, and a set of truncated switches was added to quickly release the residual charge of the load and form a fast falling edge at the end of the pulse. After analyzing the characteristics of the series semiconductor switch driving circuit in detail, a series-core magnetic ring isolation driving circuit and a delay driving circuit were designed to achieve the driving requirements. Finally, a high-voltage square wave pulse output of 10 kV was achieved on a20 kΩ resistive load.


文件名 大小
基于开关串联和延时驱动的高压方波脉冲源研究.pdf 2M



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