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更新时间:2020-10-22 05:11:25 大小:751K 上传用户:gsy幸运查看TA发布的资源 标签:蔡氏电路 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


文章利用Multisim仿真软件对含有有源忆阻器构成的蔡氏电路出现混沌的现象进行了仿真研究,并测绘给出L=18 mH、C1=68 nF、C2=6.8 nF时,电路发生混沌现象与R取值关系的相图及工作波形。仿真实验结果表明:当蔡氏电路中的电感L、电容一定时,随R增大,电路震荡由线性—混沌现象—线性,当R达到一定值时电路出现无震荡;当电路电容一定、电感L取值变化时,随L增大,电路出现混沌现象时所对应的R值增大;当电感L一定、改变电容取值时,随电容取值增大,电路出现混沌现象时对应的R取值变小。

The chaos phenomenon caused in Chua's circuit with an active magnetorisistor was analyzed with Multisim.The phase diagram and work waveform demonstrating the relationship between the chaos phenomenon and the R value were obtained when L was 18 mH,C1 was 68 nF and C2 was 6.8 nF.The results showed that when the values of L and C did not change and the value of R increased,the circuit oscillated linearly,then appeared chaos and finally oscillated linearly again.When the R reached a certain value,there would be no chaos.When the value of C did not change,chaos would happen when the values of both the L and R were large.When the value of L did not change,chaos would happen when the value of C was la...


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含有源磁控忆阻器的蔡氏电路混沌现象分析.pdf 751K



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