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更新时间:2020-09-12 07:51:00 大小:263K 上传用户:songhuahua查看TA发布的资源 标签:电子标签芯片基准电压源 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


文章分析了射频电子标签芯片电源的特点,根据电源低电压和低成本要求,讨论了传统的带隙基准源和全CMOS的基准电压源电路方案,设计并实现了一种适合电子标签芯片应用的全CMOS的基准电压源电路。该电路采用SMIC 0.18μm标准CMOS工艺实现,电源电压范围为1~5 V,电源敏感度为1~3%/V,输出电压的温度特性为3~20.7 ppm/℃,符合射频电子标签的设计要求。

The specifications of low power supply voltage and low cost in RFID transponder were analyzed in this paper. And the traditional bandgap and full CMOS reference voltage circuit were discussed. A full CMOS reference voltage circuit was designed and implemented suitable for transponder. The circuit was implemented in SMIC 0. 18 μm standard CMOS process. The power supply range is from 1 to 5 V,and the supply sensitivity is from 1 to 3 % /V,the output reference voltage temperature dependent is from 3 to 20. 7ppm /℃. The design requirements of RFID transponder are fulfilled.


文件名 大小
一种用于电子标签芯片的基准电压源电路.pdf 263K

