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更新时间:2020-09-10 18:55:51 大小:576K 上传用户:IC老兵查看TA发布的资源 标签:可编程数字控制 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


设计一种基于斜波式发生器原理可编程数字控制精密延时电路,用恒流源电路充放电和18位的DA转换器分别接入高速比较器的两端,DA转换器预先设定一电压基准,恒流源充电电容达到电压基准,高速比较器开始反转,形成一个触发脉冲信号,然后充电电容通过高速二极管快速放电重新计时.设计成18 bit数字控制可编程动态范围2 ps的采集时间间隔,提高采集信号的精度和频率.

A high precision programmable precision time circuit implementation method based ramp type is introduced. A constant current source circuit of charge and discharge and 18 bit DA converter are respectively connected with both ends of the high speed comparator. A reference voltage is .set by the DA converter, and the constant current source charges the capacitor to a voltage reference, then the high-speed eomparator begins to turn and forms a trigger pulse signal. After that, the charging capacitor fast discharges through the high-speed diode to prepare for the next recloeking. The acquisition precision is improved by the design to 18 bit 2 ps small acquisition time interval and a higher frequency signal can be sampled.


文件名 大小
可编程数字控制精密延时电路设计.pdf 576K

