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更新时间:2020-08-19 04:25:21 大小:547K 上传用户:六3无线电查看TA发布的资源 标签:无线信标机 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


提出一种动态环境下能实时定位箭载记录器的回收系统方案。由随记录器一起下落的信标发射机、天上无人机及地面接收设备组成的搜索网络,实时获取记录器的位置信息。经实验得出,记录器在空中某一时刻的位置信息:纬度39°04.182 64,经度111°44.721 32,海拔高度1 411.1 m;落地后位置信息:纬度39°04.165 00,经度111°44.730 90,海拔高度1 333.0 m。结果表明,根据实时得到的位置点绘制出了下落轨迹,实现了对记录器的快速找寻。

Proposed a real-time locating system solution about recycling the recorder carried on rocket under dynamic environment. The search network is consisted by the beacon transmitter along with the falling recorder,the unmanned aerial vehicle in the sky and ground receiving equipment,which can achieve real-time location information of the recorder. Through the experiment,the positioning information of the recorder at a time in the air are latitude39° 04. 182 64,longitude 111° 44. 721 32,altitude 1411. 1 m; After landing position information: latitude39°04. 165 00,longitude 111°44. 730 90,altitude 1 333. 0 m. The result show the whereabouts trace of the recorder is drew according to the real-time position informa...


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动态环境可实时定位无线信标机系统设计.pdf 547K



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