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更新时间:2020-07-22 11:16:49 大小:285K 上传用户:xiaohei1810查看TA发布的资源 标签:射频 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


针对射频标签芯片的设计,介绍了一种基于Synopsys XA及VCS的数模混合信号仿真方法。在分析射频标签芯片基本架构和工作原理的基础上,首先采用XA完成了仿真环境的建立,初步验证了芯片的电源系统和基本逻辑功能;在此基础上,开展了数模混合信号仿真技术的研究工作。探讨了在混合仿真中对存储器建模的几种方法,并针对EEPROM的电流模型在仿真中与实际工作状态不符的问题,设计了一种基于电流受控电阻的存储器仿真模型。仿真结果显示,修正后的存储器模型与Spice仿真结果较为接近,利用该模型成功实现了全芯片的数模混合信号功能仿真和接口时序验证,且仿真速度约为传统方法的10倍以上,从而为芯片验证工作节约了大量的时间。

This paper introduces a method of analog/digital mixed signal simulation technology of Synopsys XA and VCS in a RFID chip design.After analyzing basic structure and operating principle of the RFID chip,the simulation environment is set up by using XA, and a preliminary validation of the power supply part and basic logical functions is completed.On this basis ,the research on mixed signal simulation has been carried out. Several methods for memory modeling in simulation are discussed. In view of larger difference of EEPROM current model in simulation and in actual work,a memory simulation model is designed based on current control resisto...


文件名 大小
一种射频标签芯片的数模混合信号仿真方法.pdf 285K

