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更新时间:2020-10-28 12:55:30 大小:673K 上传用户:zhengdai查看TA发布的资源 标签:gan功率器件 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


氮化镓GaN(gallium nitride)功率器件因其出色的导通与开关特性,能够实现系统高频化与小型化,有效提升系统功率密度。但是,增强型GaN功率器件由于其栅极可靠性问题,使其在电源管理系统中无法直接替换传统硅基功率MOSFET器件。为此,提出一种预驱动芯片,通过片内集成LDO与电平移位结构,实现兼容12~15 V输入,并输出5 V信号对GaN功率器件的栅极进行有效与可靠控制,达到兼容传统硅基功率器件应用系统的要求。此外,通过多芯片合封技术,将预驱动芯片与GaN功率器件实现封装集成,降低了寄生电感,使其应用可靠性进一步提升。

Owing to their excellent on-state and switching characteristics, gallium nitride(GaN) power devices can m-eet the high-frequency and miniaturization requirements for electronic power systems, thus effectively improving the systems’ power density. However, the enhanced GaN power device cannot directly replace the Si-based power MOSFET device in the power management system because of the reliability problem with its gate. Accordingly, a pre-driver chip for GaN power device integrating the low dropout regulator(LDO) and the level-shift structure is proposed, which is comp-atible with the 12~15 V input and can output 5 V signal to effectively and reliably control the gate in GaN power devices. In this way, the compatibility requirement for the system with the application of the conventional Si-based power devices is satisfied. In addition, the pre-driver chip and the GaN power device are packaged in one chip using the multi-chip packaging technology, which reduces the parasitic inductance and further improves the application reliability.


文件名 大小
GaN功率器件预驱动芯片设计与封装集成.pdf 673K

