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PICMG 3.0 Revision 3.0 Engineering Change Notice

更新时间:2022-06-29 20:10:15 大小:467K 上传用户:shouyx查看TA发布的资源 标签:picmg 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


PICMG® 3.0 Revision 3.0 AdvancedTCA® Base Specification Engineering Change Notice Adopted April 20 2015 The focus of this ECN is to add IPv6 awareness to the PICMG 3.0 R3.0 specification. The changes include additions and changes for informative and normative text, including tables, that enable compliant implementations to support IPv6 in the System Manager Interface. PICMG 3.0 R3.0 defines only IPv4 in the System Manager Interface. The added support for IPv6 is optional. Support for IPv4 continues to be mandatory, but a Shelf can be configured to operate only with IPv6 if desired. These additions leverage recent revisions of the IPMI 2.0 specification, which have IPv6 awareness as well. This ECN is the work of the Hardware Platform Management subcommittee. The base IPv6 specification (RFC 2460) was published in December, 1998. It was motivated by numerous issues or impending challenges with IPv4, given the explosive growth of the Internet, which has only accelerated in the almost two decades since then. One key challenge was the impending exhaustion of IPv4 addresses. The availability of Native Address Translation (NAT) has allowed public IPv4 addresses to be conserved, because a handful of public addresses can provide access to hundreds of thousands or more private addresses behind a NAT interface. But NAT-based architectures have their own challenges, and the burgeoning Internet of Things (IoT) is making it ever more crucial to continue and accelerate the availability of IPv6. The IPMI 2.0 specification added IPv6 awareness as of October, 2013. Since the hardware platform management layer of PICMG 3.0 is based on IPMI, that addition simplifies adding IPMI-compatible IPv6 awareness to PICMG 3.0.


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ECN001_PICMG_ATCA_3_0_R3_0-RELEASED-2015-04-20b.pdf 467K



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