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更新时间:2020-10-27 18:53:57 大小:3M 上传用户:zhengdai查看TA发布的资源 标签:双馈风电机 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报



When the voltage drops due to a short circuit fault tha toccurs at the grid connection point,a Crowbar protection circuit on the rotor side of doubly-fed induction generator is often used to achieve low voltage ride-through ditional constant resistance Crowbar is difficult to restrain both the rotor current and DC bus voltage ed at these deficiencies,a LVRT scheme of doubly-fed induction generator based on the Crowbar with an adjustable resistor is proposed,and the adjustable resistor control strategy and the Crowbar resistance setting method are ed on PSACD/EMTDC simulation software,the LVRT characteristics of the Crowbar with an adjustable resistor are simulated during deep results show that the LVRT effect of the Crowbar with an adjustable resistor is better and the purpose of restraining the rotor current rise and stabilizing DC bus voltage is realized.


文件名 大小
基于可调整电阻Crowbar电路的双馈风电机组低电压穿越方法.pdf 3M



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