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音频混合处理芯片回音处理BU9253xS BU9255FS

更新时间:2020-05-22 05:29:10 大小:70K 上传用户:xzxbybd查看TA发布的资源 标签:音频混合处理芯片 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


音频混合处理芯片回音处理BU9253xS, BU9255FS

The BU9253AS, BU9253FS and BU9255FS are single-chip ICs that contain all the components needed to configure

a KARAOKE echo system: an A / D and D / A converter, SRAM, LPF, and mixer for mixing source signals. With

these ICs, an echo function can be configured easily and with minimum external components.


KARAOKE functions for portable stereo sets, mini component

stereo sets, video CDs and DVDs, etc.


1) Echo mixing ratio is adjustable with a DC voltage.

2) A second order LPF can be configured with the

internal amplifier and an attached capacitor and


3) Delay time of 131ms. (when fCLK = 357kHz)

4) Internal mute function.

5) Single power supply (5V).


文件名 大小
音频混合--回音处理BU9253xS,_BU9255FS.pdf 70K



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