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更新时间:2020-10-28 10:42:46 大小:1M 上传用户:gsy幸运查看TA发布的资源 标签:amoled显示屏 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


AMOLED显示屏驱动芯片中的Demura数据需要保存在驱动芯片外的非易失存储器中,在驱动芯片启动后从非易失存储器读回到驱动芯片里的SRAM中,供显示图像矫正用。针对这种需求,设计了SPI MASTER以及相应的接口模块,其主要实现两个功能,将Demura的数据自动烧录到SPI Flash;在驱动芯片上电后,自动将SPI Flash中的Demura数据快速读到驱动芯片里的SRAM中。此芯片中的SPI MASTER支持Quad SPI,数据吞吐率是Standard SPI的4倍。

The Demura data to be used in the driver chip of AMOLED display need to be saved in the non-volatile memory outside the driver chip.After the driver chip is powered on,the data should be read from the non-volatile memory back to the SRAM in the driver chip for display image correction.In this paper,SPI MASTER and related interface module are designed to achieve two main functions:one is to automatically burn Demura data into SPI Flash,secondly,after the driver chip is powered on,Demura data in SPI Flash will be automatically read into the SRAM in the driver chip.The SPI MASTER in this paper supports the Quad SPI with a data throughput four times that of the Standard SPI.


文件名 大小
AMOLED显示屏驱动芯片中Demura数据的烧录与读取.pdf 1M

