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DSP C2000 DCL 用户指南:如何在DSP C2000系列中 使用 DCL详解

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详解如何在DSP C2000系列中 使用 DCL,是使用DSP实现PID、PI等算法的必备手册。笔者通过参考此手册在TMS28F335/377上实现了PID控制算法,另推荐下载官方软件,配合相应的库文件,可轻松实现算法控制。在算法实现过程中,建议配合MATLAB仿真进行,通过simulink对参数进行仿真可以事半功倍。官方软件中也有相应的matlab仿真源代码,可以相互参考。 DSP28335/377运算速度快,配合相应的控制算法,可实现大量应用。

This User’s Guide covers version 3.0 of the C2000 Digital Control Library (DCL). It contains technical descriptions of the library functions and how to use them. The DCL User’s Guide does not cover control applications, control theory, or technical details of C2000 devices; however some information on these topics may be found in the references listed in chapter 6. 

The User’s Guide is divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 presents a general introduction to the library and provides background information. Chapter 2 describes the library contents and structure, how to add library functions to a user’s program, and how to migrate existing source code to be compatible with version 3.0. Chapter 3 describes the controllers and supporting functions, and provides information on their use. Chapter 4 describes the utilities supplied with the library, including data loggers, a transient capture module, and simulation models. Chapter 5 describes a set of supporting software examples which illustrate the use of the library. A list of relevant technical references and training can be found in Chapter 6.


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DCL User's Guide.pdf 1M

