Calculating the Isgur-Wise Function on the Lattice
大小:90K 更新时间:2021-12-09 下载积分:2分
Calculating the Isgur-Wise Function on the Lattice,这是一篇非常有用的资料,多多学习,多多下载,谢谢~;
Cabibbo Mixing in Superstring Derived Standard--li
大小:142K 更新时间:2021-12-09 下载积分:2分
Cabibbo Mixing in Superstring Derived Standard--like Models,这是一篇非常有用的资料,多多学习,多多下载,谢谢~;
BRS Operators and Covariant Derivatives in Loop S
大小:134K 更新时间:2021-12-09 下载积分:2分
BRS Operators and Covariant Derivatives in Loop Space for P-Branes Coupled to Yang-Mills,这是一篇非常有用的资料,多多学习,多多下载,谢谢~;
Broken sigma-model isometries in very special geo
大小:120K 更新时间:2021-12-09 下载积分:2分
Broken sigma-model isometries in very special geometry.,这是一篇非常有用的资料,多多学习,多多下载,谢谢~;
Breaking the Convergence Barrier Optimization via
大小:815K 更新时间:2021-12-09 下载积分:2分
Breaking the Convergence Barrier Optimization via Fixed-Time Convergent Flows,这是一篇非常有用的资料,多多学习,多多下载,谢谢~;