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更新时间:2020-10-26 16:56:37 大小:418K 上传用户:zhengdai查看TA发布的资源 标签:tvd 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


逆向工程和差分功耗分析(DifferentialPowerAnalysis,DPA)是盗取知识产权(Intellectual Property,IP)核信息的重要手段.通过对逻辑混淆电路和数据功耗间关系的研究,采用三相双轨预充逻辑(Three-phase Dual-rail Pre-charge Logic, TDPL),利用定义的阈值电压(Threshold Voltage Defined,TVD)特性,提出一种能防御逆向工程和DPA攻击的逻辑混淆电路方案.该方案利用对称的差分下拉网络和灵敏放大器,采用相同的电路结构,通过阈值电压的配置实现不同的逻辑功能.Spectre仿真验证表明,基于TVD的逻辑混淆电路逻辑功能正确,在多种PVT(Process,Voltage, Temperature)下获得的归一化能量偏差和归一化标准差最高分别为0.107 2%和0.045 3%,与普通静态CMOS电路相比,能耗独立性能提升21.79%,能够有效防御逆向工程和DPA攻击.

Reverse engineering and DPA (Differential Power Analysis) are the common techniques for stealing IP (Intellectual Property) information. By investigating the logic obfuscation circuit and the relationship between data and power, a scheme of the logic obfuscation circuit is proposed using TDPL (Three-phase Dual-rail Pre-charge Logic) and TVD (Threshold Voltage Defined) characteristics, which can prevent reverse engineering and DPA attacks. This scheme utilizes a symmetric differential pull-down network and a sense amplifier, the same circuit structure is used to achieve different logic functions through the configuration of threshold voltages. Spectra simulation results show that the logic obfuscation circuit based on TVD is designed with the correct logic function. Under various PVT tests, the normalized energy deviation and standard deviation are lower than 0.107 2% and 0.045 3%, respectively. Compared with the common static circuits, the proposed design achieves 21.79% higher in power independent performance, which is capable of defending against reverse engineering and DPA.


文件名 大小
基于TVD的逻辑混淆电路设计及其性能分析.pdf 418K



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