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更新时间:2020-11-19 01:29:59 大小:2M 上传用户:gsy幸运查看TA发布的资源 标签:stc15w408as单片机无线充电电动小车 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


当前,新能源成为人们热门专注的话题,电动汽车也变为热门行业产物。相对于电动汽车的有线充电而言,无线充电具有使用方便、安全、可靠、环境适应能力强等优点。本次研究的设计目标是制作一个无线充电电动车,包括无线充电装置一套,发射器采用具有恒流恒压模式自动切换的直流稳压电源供电,供电电压为5 V,供电电流不大于1 A,充电结束后小车能够自动启动。设计采用xkt-412作为发射模块,t3168作为接收模块,TPS63020作为升压模块。设计结果满足目标的同时,TPS63020作为升压模块的选取大幅度提升了电能利用率,更加节能环保。

At present,new energy has become a hot topic,and electric vehicles have become a hot product of the industry.Compared with the wired charging of electric vehicles,wireless charging has the advantages of convenience,safety,reliability and strong adaptability to the environment. The design goal of this research is to make a wireless charging electric vehicle,including a set of wireless charging device. The transmitter is powered by a dc stabilized voltage power supply with constant current and constant voltage mode automatic switching. The power supply voltage is 5 V,and the power supply current is no more than 1 A. The design adopts xkt-412 as the transmitting module,t3168 as the receiving module and TPS63020 as the booster module. While the design results meet the target,the selection of TPS63020 as the booster module has greatly improved the power utilization rate and become more energy-saving and environmental friendly.


文件名 大小
基于STC15W408AS单片机的无线充电电动小车设计.pdf 2M

