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OLED PLED屏扫描控制芯片 SSD1306 手册

更新时间:2020-10-19 09:40:34 大小:827K 上传用户:xzxbybd查看TA发布的资源 标签:oledpledssd1306 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


OLED PLED屏扫描控制芯片 SSD1306 手册

128 x 64 Dot Matrix  OLED/PLED Segment/Common Driver with Controller

GENERAL DESCRIPTION  SSD1306 is a single-chip CMOS OLED/PLED driver with controller for organic / polymer light emitting  diode dot-matrix graphic display system. It consists of 128 segments and 64commons. This IC is  designed for Common Cathode type OLED panel.  The SSD1306 embeds with contrast control, display RAM and oscillator, which reduces the number of  external components and power consumption. It has 256-step brightness control. Data/Commands are  sent from general MCU through the hardware selectable 6800/8000 series compatible Parallel Interface,  I2 C interface or Serial Peripheral Interface. It is suitable for many compact portable applications, such as  mobile phone sub-display, MP3 player and calculator, etc.  2 FEATURES  Resolution: 128 x 64 dot matrix panel  Power supply  o VDD = 1.65V to 3.3V for IC logic  o VCC = 7V to 15V for Panel driving  For matrix display  o OLED driving output voltage, 15V maximum  o Segment maximum source current: 100uA  o Common maximum sink current: 15mA  o 256 step contrast brightness current control  Embedded 128 x 64 bit SRAM display buffer  Pin selectable MCU Interfaces:  o 8-bit 6800/8080-series parallel interface  o 3 /4 wire Serial Peripheral Interface  o I2 C Interface  Screen saving continuous scrolling function in both horizontal and vertical direction


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SSD1306.pdf 827K



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