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更新时间:2020-07-09 06:43:50 大小:2M 上传用户:IC老兵查看TA发布的资源 标签:高速接口ssd 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


针对目前固态硬盘主控国产化自主可控的需求,设计了一款采用PCI E接口的数据存储控制电路。该方案与SATA 2.0接口相比,采用了PCI E2.0×2的形式,其读写速度有了明显提高。在主控芯片中对固态硬盘的可靠性采取了众多策略,大大延长了NAND FLASH的使用寿命,安全性方面采用国密SM3、SM4和AES256进行加密,同时使用闪存阵列管理使得多通道可以并行进行,数据销毁上可以选择智能销毁和物理销毁两种方式,在紧急情况下最大限度的保证了用户信息的安全。

For the current solid-state hard drive master control of the domestic control of the demand, we design a PCIe interface data storage control circuit. The program compared with the SATA 2.0 interface, using the form of PCIE2.0 × 2, the read and write speed has been significantly improved. In the master chip on the solid-state hard drive reliability using a number of strategies, greatly extending the NAND FLASH life, using dense SM3,SM4 and AES256 encryption in security aspects, using flash memory array management technology allows multi-channel can run in parallel, data destruction can choose intelligent destruction and physical destruction in two ways, in the event of an emergency It) ensure maximum user infor...


文件名 大小
基于高速接口的SSD存储控制电路设计.pdf 2M

