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更新时间:2020-09-11 04:22:44 大小:295K 上传用户:六3无线电查看TA发布的资源 标签:sic功率器件buck电路 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


近年来,一种新型半导体器件碳化硅(SiC)以其优良的性能逐渐受到人们的关注.介绍了SiC的材料特性及基于SiC的功率开关器件的特性,并对其在Buck电路中的应用进行了探索.主要对SiC器件的特性参数进行分析,并对Buck电路的主功率部分及控制驱动部分进行了设计.通过设计Buck电路并进行仿真实验,验证了理论设计的正确性.实验结果表明,SiC MOSFET器件在高频大电压的应用场合相对于硅(Si) MOSFET器件有着开关损耗低,效率高等优点.

Recently a new type of semiconductor, silicon carbide (SIC) gradually attracts a lot attention for its excellent performance.The fabric characteristics of SiC and the characteristics of power switch device based on SiC are introduced.The application of SiC is researched in the Buck circuit.The characteristic parameters of the SiC device are analyzed, the main power part of Buck circuit and the drive control part are analyzed.The accuracy of theoretical design is verified by the design of Buck circuit and simulation.The experimental results show that SiC MOSFET devices, relative to silicon (Si) MOSFET, in applications of high frequency have lower switching loss, higher working voltage and higher frequency etc.


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SiC功率器件在Buck电路中的应用研究.pdf 295K

