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更新时间:2020-07-18 19:54:12 大小:4M 上传用户:xiaohei1810查看TA发布的资源 标签:sic器件buck电路 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


交错并联 Buck电路能够以较低的开关频率实现高频输出, 在与传统的 Buck电路输出电流相同的情 况下 , 输出的电流纹波减小, 支路电流为主电路的1/2 ,从而减小了开关管和二极管的电流应力, 在一定程度上 可以提升电路效率.碳化硅 (SiC)作为一种新型材料, 可以在高压、 大功率、 高频、高温条件下应用.在大功率条件下把碳化硅和交错并联 Buck电路结合起来, 与硅 (Si)器件进行对比, 通过实验进行验证, 结果证明 SiC交错 并联 Buck电路的应用优势.

An interleaving Buck circuit can achieve a high-frequency output at a lower switching frequency. Compared with the traditional Buck circuit, it can maintain the same output current while reducing the output current ripple and keeping the amplitude of branch current as half of that of the main circuit, which reduces the current stress of the switching tube and the diode. In this way, the circuit efficiency can be improved to a certain degree. As a new type of material, silicon carbide (SiC) can be used in high-voltage, high-power, high-frequency and high-temperature conditions. In this paper, SiC and interleaving Buck circuits were combined under high-power conditions, and they were further compared with...


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基于SiC器件的大功率交错并联Buck电路.pdf 4M



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