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更新时间:2020-11-22 03:07:31 大小:1M 上传用户:zhengdai查看TA发布的资源 标签:rtx嵌入式数据采集 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


为了更好地适应工业生产过程中的信息采集,计了一个基于Keil RTX实时操作系统的数据采集系统,以STM32F407为主控制器,通过总线控制OV2640图像传感器和液晶控制器实现了现场图像实时显示与截屏保存,根据需要将采集到的图片信息和现场开关量的状态通过4G网络模块传输到云服务平台。本数据采集系统也可接收云平台下发的控制命令,实现对现场开关量输出操作。

In order to better adapt to the information acquisition in the industrial production process,a data acquisition system based on Keil RTX real-time operating system is designed.STM32F407 is the main controller,and the OV2640 image sensor and LCD controller are controlled by the bus to realize the real-time display and storage of field images.According to the need,the collected picture information and the status of the field switch are transmitted to the cloud service platform through the 4G network module.The data acquisition system can also receive control commands issued by cloud platform to realize on-site switch output operation.


文件名 大小
RTX的嵌入式数据采集系统与云平台服务设计.pdf 1M

