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爱立信射频学校——RT1D Receiver technology

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爱立信射频学校 Radio School 

Receiver technology

Contents: page
1. Introduction 4
2. Block diagrams 5
2.1 System requirements 5
2.2 Superheterodyne receiver 7
2.3 Homodyne receiver 9
2.4 Gain and selectivity distribution 14
2.5 HF-selectivity in tunable receivers 19
2.6 System selectivity requirements for the GSM system 21
3. Radio frequency amplifiers 23
3.1 HF amplifiers and HF filters 23
3.2 IF amplifiers 26
4. Mixers 27
4.1 General 27
4.2 Diode mixer 28
4.3 Gilbert-type transistor mixer 31
4.4 IQ mixer 33
5. Detectors 34
5.1 General 34
5.2 Coherent detection of linear modulation 36
5.3 Noncoherent detection of angle modulation 37
5.4 Coherent detection of angle modulation 47


文件名 大小
RT1DE.pdf 469K



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