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RM3000-f RM2000-f Sensor Suite User Manual.pdf

更新时间:2021-08-04 18:50:16 大小:1M 上传用户:Morty123查看TA发布的资源 标签:rm3000 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


Thank you for purchasing PNI Sensor Corporation’s RM2000-f or RM3000-f Geomagnetic
Sensor Suite (pn 90042-f and pn 90043-f, respectively). The RM2000-f is comprised of two
Sen-XY-f geomagnetic sensors (pn 13060) and a 3D MagIC ASIC MLF controller (pn 12927),
and this forms the basis for a 2-axis (horizontal) digital compass. The RM3000-f is the same as
the RM2000-f but adds a Sen-Z-f geomagnetic sensor (pn 13070 or pn 13101), such that
compassing measurements are not constricted to the horizontal plane. Note there are two
versions of the Sen-Z-f sensor: the 13070 which has the same package as PNI’s legacy Sen-Z
sensor, and the 13101 which is larger but provides for more robust mounting to the user’s PCB.


文件名 大小
RM3000-f_&_RM2000-f_Sensor_Suite_User_Manual.pdf 1M



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