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更新时间:2020-10-26 17:35:52 大小:759K 上传用户:zhengdai查看TA发布的资源 标签:功率pmos驱动电路 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报



The switching characteristic of power PMOS is analyzed and a active discharging drive circuit is proposed.The gate-source parasitic capacitor was charged and discharged quickly during the power PMOS turn on and turn off transient through paralleling the switching circuit between the gate and the source electrode of power PMOS,which made the power PMOS turn on and off quickly.Moreover,the charging-discharging of parallel capacitor was controlled by PWM signal.Combined with the proposed drive circuit,the power PMOS turn-on and turn-off process was detailed analyzed,and the selection methods of the main components in this drive circuit were obtained.The proposed driving circuit is applied to the Buck converter,and experiment results show that the proposed circuit and theoretical analysis are valid and feasible.


文件名 大小
功率PMOS管的有源泄放驱动电路研究.pdf 759K

