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更新时间:2020-10-27 23:10:36 大小:765K 上传用户:gsy幸运查看TA发布的资源 标签:plc电动机 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报



Double interlocking motor can be used in a variety of industrial equipment. double interlocking motor has good working performance and strong reliability, and is favored by users. In order to improve the application of double interlocking motor, it is necessary to strengthen the research and application of electrical control of double interlocking motor. Using PLC to complete the control of the double interlocking motor will be able to make the control of the double interlocking motor more efficient, and compared with the traditional relay control mode, the control system will be greatly simplified. The PLC control system has higher control accuracy and faster corresponding speed. At the same time, it is more convenient to modify the electric motor of double interlocking. Because a large number of logic control in PLC control is mainly carried out by the program compiled in PLC, it is only necessary to change the program in PLC when changing the operation action of the double interlocking motor, which greatly simplifies the control flow of the double interlocking motor.


文件名 大小
PLC控制双重联锁的电动机正反转电路的优势.pdf 765K

