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更新时间:2020-10-22 10:17:14 大小:2M 上传用户:gsy幸运查看TA发布的资源 标签:pi调节器 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


为保证移相控制全桥变换电路输出稳定的电压,采用经典的双闭环P I调节器,对输出滤波电容电压与电感电流进行控 制,并通过对PI参数的设计,实现了电压的稳定输出,最终在 MATLAB/Simulink中对 PI设计结果进行仿真验证,根据仿真结果及P I调 节器伯德图,证明文章设计的双闭环P I调节器可保证系统输出稳定的电压,为实际工程做参考.

In order to ensure the stable output voltage of the phase-shift control full-bridge converter circuit, the output filter capacitor voltage and inductance current are controlled by the classical double-closed loop PI regulator, and the PI parameters are designed and thus the stable output of the voltage is realized. Finally, the PI design results are simulated in MATLAB/Simulink, and according to the simulation results and the PI regulator Bode diagram, it is proved that the double closed loop PI regulator designed in this paper can guarantee the stable output voltage of the system, as can be used as a reference for practical engineering.


文件名 大小
PI调节器在移相全桥变换电路中的应用.pdf 2M



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