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更新时间:2020-07-30 06:31:40 大小:812K 上传用户:IC老兵查看TA发布的资源 标签:碳化硅MOSFET 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


由于碳化硅材料具有宽带隙、高临界电场强度、高饱和速度和高导热率的特性,其可达到比硅器件更高的耐压值、更快的开关速度和更高的工作结温,使得碳化硅器件成为理想的新一代电力电子器件。为了满足碳化硅器件在高温情况下应用的需求,驱动电路同样需要具备高温下工作的能力。对现阶段高温驱动电路发展情况进行了总结,提出一种基于变压器隔离与高温硅基分立器件的高温驱动电路,并在OrCAD PSpice环境下对电路进行仿真分析,随后在高温箱中进行实验,对提出的高温驱动电路工作性能进行评估。

The outstanding semiconductor properties of Si C material, e. g. wide bandgap, high critical electric field,high saturation velocity,and thermal conductivity,promise the Si C device a new generation power electronics element with higher speed,higher voltage and,higher temperature operation potential than the silicon device. To fulfill the high temperature operation requirements from Si C device,the gate drive circuit should be designed with high temperature operation capability. This paper reviews contemporary high temperature gate drive design approaches and proposes a high temperature gate drive circuit based on transformer isolation and commercially available silicon discrete components. Performance of ...


文件名 大小
一种为碳化硅MOSFET设计的高温驱动电路.pdf 812K

