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基于MATLAB GUI和AVR单片机的直流电机调速系统的设计

更新时间:2020-11-17 23:51:55 大小:6M 上传用户:gsy幸运查看TA发布的资源 标签:matlabavr单片机直流电机 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(1) 举报


本文设计了一种基于MATLAB GUI和AVR单片机的直流电机调速系统,利用MATLAB的serial设备控制箱作为上位机,根据不同的指令产生不同的PWM信号用以驱动L298N芯片,使MCU实现控制直流电机的启停、加减速、正反转等功能.同时在上位机实现电机转速的波形实时显示.从仿真结果看,本设计系统运行良好,人机交互性强,操作方便简单,对自动控制和电机拖动方面具有一定的实际意义.

A DC motor speed regulation system based on MATLAB GUI and AVR SCM(single chip microcomputer) is designed in this paper.The serial device control box of MATLAB is used as the upper computer,and different PWM signals are produced to drive the L298 N chip according to the different instructions,so that the lower computer can control the functions of starting,stopping,accelerating,decelerating, reversing and reversing the DC motor.At the same time,the waveform of motor speed is displayed in real time.From the simulation results,the design system is running well,human-machine interaction is strong,operational work is convenient and simple.It has practical significance for automatic control and motor drive.


文件名 大小
基于MATLAB_GUI和AVR单片机的直流电机调速系统的设计.pdf 6M


  • 2020-11-28 22:12:36wangxl0317
