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更新时间:2020-08-22 08:39:41 大小:2M 上传用户:songhuahua查看TA发布的资源 标签:lm5117开关电源 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


降压型直流开关稳压电源具有功耗小、效率高、输出稳定电压范围宽等优点,使其在当今电子设备中充当着重要角色。本文通过研究降压型直流开关稳压电源的转换机理,对降压型直流开关稳压电源进行建模并进行了电路设计,以及对电路模型进行理论计算和进行电路验证,根据对电路的转换功率、输出电压以及纹波的分析,得到了降压型直流开关稳压电源的电压调整率、负载调整率以及稳压波动的影响。整个电路设计采用LM5117主控芯片,通过CSD18532KCS MOS场效应管调节电路,实现电压的稳定输出。整个电路包括LM5117降压芯片、驱动电路、H桥电路、滤波电路、自举电路以及过流保护电路。最终实现小于0.5%的电压调整率和1%的负载调整率。

Buck DC switching power supply has the advantages of low power consumption, high efficiency and wide output voltage range, which makes it play an important role in today's electronic devices. In this paper through the study of Buck Switching DC regulated power supply conversion mechanism, to buck DC switching regulator power supply model and the circuit is designed, and the circuit model through theoretical calculation and are performed to verify the circuit, according to the analysis of the circuit of power conversion, output voltage and ripple, Buck DC switching regulator power supply voltage regulation, load regulation and voltage f...


文件名 大小
基于LM5117的降压型直流开关稳压电源设计.pdf 2M

