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更新时间:2020-08-04 06:20:00 大小:200K 上传用户:IC老兵查看TA发布的资源 标签:变压器llcled驱动电路 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


和高压钠灯、节能灯等传统灯具相比,大功率LED照明系统更加节能、环保,且具有更长的寿命,在室外照明和其他高功率场合具有很大的潜力。传统的大功率LED照明驱动电路由AC/DC变换器和多个恒流DC/DC变换器构成。为了提高效率和可靠性,文章提出一种适合于大功率LED照明驱动的新型多串变压器LLC谐振变换器,该变换器基于磁平衡技术驱动多串LED负载,以UCC25710作为控制芯片制作了一款100 W的LED驱动电路。实验结果表明该电路结构简单、工作可靠、具有更高的效率。

Compared with the high pressure sodium lamp, energy-saving lamp and other traditional lamps, high-power LED lighting system is more energy-saving and environmental protection, and has a longer life, it has a great potential in the outdoor lighting and other high power applications. The traditional high power LED lighting drive circuit is composed of AC/DC converter and some constant current DC/DC converters.In order to improve the efficiency and reliability, series transformer LLC resonant converter which is suitable for high power LED lighting driver is proposed in this paper, it can drive several LED loads based on the magnetic balance technique. The 100 W LED drive circuit was designed by using UCC 2571...


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基于多串变压器LLC控制的LED驱动电路设计.pdf 200K



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