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更新时间:2020-05-19 01:33:42 大小:237K 上传用户:zhiyao6查看TA发布的资源 标签:led驱动电路 下载积分:5分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


基于高功率发光二极管(LED)恒流驱动电源的集成化设计,采用无输入滤波电容的Buck变换器与两路并联LED可调恒流驱动电路,实现了高功率LED照明的亮度与色温可调。这里研究了在宽占空比变化范围下的功率MOSFET开关管浮地驱动技术,并用LTSPICE进行了仿真,依据仿真元件的参数搭建了实验电路,得到了输出电压24 V、输出电流0~700 mA可调的高功率LED驱动电源实验结果,此结果与仿真数据波形及理论分析一致,电源变换效率达到了89.7%。

This paper introduces a new conception of high power LED drive circuit which could be integrated.This LED drive circuit is based on a Buck topology.With the PWM control,it realizes a constant-current drive with two LED output chains in parallel.This paper also studies with the drive problem of power MOSFET in Buck with a wide dimming range of duty cycle.The whole circuit is simulated by the LTSPICE and realized into a demonstrating board.In the measurement of the real circuit,it has an output voltage of 24 V,and an output current from 0 to 700 mA.The laboratory test shows that the performance of the real circuit is corresponding to the theory analysis and the converting efficiency of this circuit achieved to 89.7%.


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色温可调的高功率LED恒流驱动电路设计.pdf 237K



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