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更新时间:2020-09-10 20:01:04 大小:658K 上传用户:songhuahua查看TA发布的资源 标签:射频功率放大器 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


射频功率放大器的特性会随信道切换、环境温度、工作状态等多种因素发生变化,为了保证功率放大器的优良工作特性,具有自适应性能的预失真系统就显得非常重要。提出了一种自适应反馈检测方法,以减小放大器输出信号的幅度失真和相位失真作为系统自适应的优化目标,采用多方向搜索优化算法对预失真系统进行优化调整,使系统始终处于最优工作状态。研制了工作于Ka频段10 W自适应射频预失真线性化固态功放原理样机,当工作温度为-40℃-+60℃时,在3 GHz的工作带宽内,三阶交调指标优于-32 dBc。测试结果表明该功放具有工作频带宽、温度适应性广等特点。

The characteristic of radio frequency power amplifier (RFPA) will change with the channel switching, environment temperature, working conditions and other factors. In order to guarantee the steady operation of the predistortion RFPA, the predistortion system with adaptive performance is very important. This paper proposes a detection method of adaptive feedback, and uses the multidirectional search algorithm to minimize the amplitude distortion and phase distortion of the RFPA's output signal to optimize the pre- distortion system, to make the system operate in optimum state all the time. An adaptive RF predistortion linearization solid-state power amplifier operating at th...


文件名 大小
Ka频段10W自适应射频预失真线性化固态功放研制.pdf 658K

