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ESP32 DHT11 MQTT 温湿度实例

更新时间:2020-10-25 07:14:36 大小:2M 上传用户:FranklinLING查看TA发布的资源 标签:esp32dht11mqtt 下载积分:3分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


1. Preface

2. The concept

2.2. Prescience 2.3. Reading guide 2.4. Abbreviations 2.5. Version management

3. Hardware

3.2. ESP32 3.3.2. Hardware schema 3.3.3. DHT22 and level shifter 3.3.4. Geekcreit® ESP32 Development Board

4. Software

4.2. Installatie van GIT 4.3. Installatation of the ESP32 Core 4.4. Installation of the Xtensa and ESP32 Tools 4.5. Python 4.5.1. Install Python 4.5.2. Installation of pySerial and EspTool 4.6. Test the software installation

5. The ESP32 IoT project 

5.1.1. WiFi connection 5.1.2. Setup date and time 5.1.3. MQTT connection 5.1.4. Determining temperature and humidity 5.2. IOT_ESP32_Project source

6. Test

6.2. ESP32, NodeJS, MongoDB en Mosca 6.2.1. Start MongoDB 6.2.2. Start NodeJS Express serve and Mosca broker 6.2.3. Start the ESP32 6.2.4. Start an Chrome browser


文件名 大小
IoT_Book_Part_2_IoT-ESP32-DHT11温湿度实例_2017P40.pdf 2M



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