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Improving the Safety and Security

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Chapter 12 Improving the Safety and Security of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Mark Harrison1, and Tatsuya Inaba2 1 Auto-ID Lab, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. rison@ 2 Auto-ID Lab, University of Keio, Japan. tinaba@ Abstract. This paper discusses various techniques that may be used to combat counterfeiting in the pharmaceutical supply chain. These include the use of electronic pedigrees (to ensure the integrity of the supply chain), together with mass-serialization (to provide for a unique lifecycle history of each individual package) and authentication of the product (to check for any discrepancies in the various attributes of the product and its packaging are as intended for that individual package). Management of the pedigree process and product authentication is discussed in some detail, together with various other learnings from the Drug Security Network, including identification of some remaining vulnerabilities and suggestions for tightening these loopholes. Keywords: Supply chain, Electronic pedigree.


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