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更新时间:2020-11-01 10:05:23 大小:276K 上传用户:zhengdai查看TA发布的资源 标签:数控电源二极管 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


分析了采用全波整流方式的移相全桥零电压(ZVS)开关DCDC电源变换器在副边换流过程前后,其整流二极管上流过的反向恢复电流引起电路寄生电感电容间谐振的过程与机理,建立其等效简化电路与振荡幅值数学模型;再运用上述模型分析了电路寄生电感电容参数对振荡的影响;最后讨论了两种振荡抑制措施,着重分析了副边RCD吸收电路的抑制方案;给出了RCD吸收电路参数计算方法并在Saber与搭建的500 W的移相全桥样机上进行了对比实验,证明了合理设计的RCD吸收电路能够有效抑制振荡。

By analyzing the shock and spike voltage on the rectifier diode during converter process of the phase-shift full bridge ZVS DC/DC converter which is configured as full wave rectifier in second side,this paper aims at explaining the reason of shock and spike voltage after that equivalent circuits and mathematical models are established.Then by analyzed the mathematical model,we thus conclude that a relationship is between parasitic parameters and resonance oscillations.And last RCD snubber circuit experi-ments are carried out in Saber and experiment prototype of 500 W which proves resonance oscillations can be curbed effectively.


文件名 大小
数控电源整流二极管换流振荡分析与抑制.pdf 276K

