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更新时间:2020-10-28 00:12:53 大小:2M 上传用户:gsy幸运查看TA发布的资源 标签:能量转移电路 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


为提高模块化多电平变换器(MMC)的可靠性,提出一种具有上下开关管直通能力的子模块拓扑结构,该拓扑结构由半桥电路、钳位电路和能量转移电路三部分组成。钳位电路保证了子模块电压的稳定输出,能量转移电路保证了子模块电容的充放电平衡。该拓扑结构不仅允许上下开关管直通,而且不需要电容电压平衡控制策略,具有自平衡能力,简化了系统的结构和软件计算量,提高了可靠性。介绍子模块电路构成、工作原理及控制方法。基于五电平单相实验平台验证所提出的基于子模块拓扑结构的 MMC不仅可容许子模块桥臂直通,而且无需采用环流抑制措施即可实现低交流环流运行。

To improve the reliability of the modular multilevel converters (MMC), a new submodule (SM) topology with shoot-through ability is proposed, which is composed of the clamping circuit, energy transfer circuit and half-bridge circuit. The clamping circuit ensures the stability of the SM voltage, and the energy transfer circuit guarantees the energy balance flowing into and out the SM. The new topology not only has the shoot-through ability and the self-balancing ability, but also does not require a capacitor voltage balance control strategy. It greatly improves the reliability, simplifies the system structure, and reduces the calculation. The circuit topology, operation principle and control method of the novel SM are presented. Based on a five-level single-phase MMC prototype, the feasibility of the proposed SM topology is verified. It has been demonstrated that some SMs are shoot-through and the AC circulate current is small without suppression strategy.


文件名 大小
模块化多电平变换器基于钳位和能量转移电路的可直通子模块拓扑.pdf 2M

