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更新时间:2020-10-27 22:53:20 大小:4M 上传用户:zhengdai查看TA发布的资源 标签:固态继电器 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报



A method for designing the parameters of inrush suppression circuit is proposed and the inrush suppression circuit designed by this method is tested experimentally.Firstly,the simulated inrush source with RC parallel is constructed to replace the real test equipment for the design and test of the circuit parameter of the suppression.The parameter of simulated inrush source are obtained through calculation and simulation.Then,Determine the structure of the inrush suppression circuit,and the main parameters of the inrush suppression circuit are designed according to the desired suppression effect by simulating the suppression of the inrush suppression circuit with different parameters on the simulated inrush source.An actual inrush suppression circuit and A simulated inrush current source were set up for the field test.The experiment showed that the inrush suppression circuit designed by this method could suppress the inrush current of the simulated inrush current source from 95A to 7.5A,The timing of the inrush was delayed by about 700μs,meeting the requirment of the project that the inrush amplitude should not exceed 10A.


文件名 大小
固态继电器过载失效与浪涌抑制电路参数设计.pdf 4M

