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更新时间:2020-10-27 19:43:51 大小:1M 上传用户:gsy幸运查看TA发布的资源 标签:微波电路 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 收藏 评论(0) 举报


对比了分别采用平行单挂和双排背对背的装挂方式电镀金时,微波印制电路板背面和正面的金盐消耗与金层厚度。结果表明,电路板背面和正面的金层厚度比(T)与电路板背面和正面的金层面积比(Sr)成反比,电路板背面和正面的金盐消耗比(V)与S_r成正比。双排平行挂具夹点距离为1.5 cm的装挂条件下,相同Sr对应的T和V都小于夹点距离为3.0 cm时的情况。

The consumption of gold salt as well as the thickness and area of gold coatings obtained on the back and front sides of microwave printed circuit board in a gold electroplating process were compared under the conditions of single-row racking and back-to-back double-row racking.The results showed that the gold coating thickness ratio(marked as T) and gold-coated area ratio(marked as S_r) between the back side and front side of a printed circuit were inversely proportional,while the gold salt consumption ratio(marked as V) between the back side and front side were directly proportional to S_r.Both T and V for double-row racking with the same Sr when the grip distance of the two rows(marked as D) was 1.5 cm were lower than that when D was 3.0 cm.


文件名 大小
装挂对微波电路板背面金层厚度及金盐消耗的影响.pdf 1M

