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更新时间:2020-10-27 16:57:26 大小:5M 上传用户:zhengdai查看TA发布的资源 标签:磁场 下载积分:1分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


由于取能线圈感抗的存在,降低了采集器的有功功率,电路采用串联电容的方式进行谐振匹配,提高采集器的输出功率。为减小供能死区与能量浪费,电路采用超级电容与锂电池相结合的储能方式,并通过逻辑控制电路对电路进行充放电控制,进而提高能量采集效率。实验结果表明,当电线电流为10A时,能量采集器的取能效率由原来的30.6%提高到了68.43%,当电线电流为15A时,超级电容释放的能量为0.6768J,远大于所选无线传感器节点消耗的能量15.85m J。

Due to the inductive reactance of the energy-obtaining coil, the active power of the harvester is reduced, and the circuit adopts the mode of series capacitor for resonance matching to improve the output power of the collector.In order to reduce the dead zone of energy supply and energy waste, the circuit adopts the energy storage mode combining super capacitor and lithium battery, and controls the charge and discharge of the circuit through logic control circuit, thus improving the energy collection efficiency.The experimental results show that when the wire current is 10 A, the energy efficiency of the energy harvester is increased from 30.6% to 68.43%, and when the wire current reaches 15 A, the energy released by the super capacitor is 0.6768 J, which is much larger than the energy consumed by the selected wireless sensor node of 15.85 mJ.


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电线磁场能量采集的混合储能控制管理电路.pdf 5M



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