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更新时间:2020-10-27 04:16:11 大小:620K 上传用户:zhengdai查看TA发布的资源 标签:电流检测电路设计 下载积分:2分 评价赚积分 (如何评价?) 打赏 收藏 评论(0) 举报


针对传统电阻串联检测大电流转换效率低,提出了基于RC并联电感无损电流检测技术,设计出一种新颖的电流检测电路,能够同时准确检测出电感电流的瞬时值和平均值,提高检测效率。电路主体由带修调的高精度低速电流检测、快速电流检测和反馈校准电路三部分组成。其中带修调的高精度低速电流检测电路检测电流的平均值,并通过反馈校准电路去校准快速电流检测电路,从而精确检测出电流的瞬时值。其中电流倒灌问题用负电流产生电路解决。电路采用TSMC 180 nm 1P3M GEN2工艺进行设计,通过Cadence软件进行仿真,仿真结果表明,此方法可以在保证检测出电感电流的前提下,同时得到电感电流的平均值和瞬时值。

A novel current detection circuit based on RC parallel inductor lossless current-sense technology is proposed to overcome the low efficiency of high current conversion in traditional series resistance detection. The circuit can accurately detect the instanta-neous-current and average-current of inductive current at the same time and improve the detection efficiency. The main circuit consists of three parts : high precision and low speed current detection with correction, fast current detection and feedback calibra-tion circuit. The first part detects the average value of the current, and the fast current detection circuit is calibrated by feedback calibration circuit to accurately detect the instantaneous value of the current. The problem of current reflux is solved by negative current generating circuit. The circuit is designed by TSMC 180 nm 1 P3 M GEN2 process and simulated by Cadence software. The re-sults show that this method can obtain the the average and instantaneous value of the inductive current while ensuring the detection of inductive current.


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一种无损电流检测电路设计.pdf 620K



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